
Getting started

To start a report you either find an existing model in our library or create a new model from scratch. When you know what library to use, search by title and then click the name of the model.

You are now presented with the new report page, where you must select the location

You can select an existing location, or create a new one in-line. Optionally, you can also specify a sub-location.

Starting strategies

In 21RISK a report can start with 3 different strategies

  • All non-compliant All compliance-related questions will start out being non-compliant.
  • All compliant All compliance-related questions will start out being compliant.
  • Latest data This option will look at the current location and use the current compliance information for the audit. This option is great when making an audit, where the baseline is the current status.

In our example, we choose the all compliant strategy and create the report

Draft status

The report is now created as a draft. In 21RISK, a report can have different statuses

  • Draft A draft report is where you perform the actual audit of the given model. As you answer the questions in the model and attach documentation, the report will automatically save.
  • Published When the audit is done, the report is frozen in time by publishing it. The status now changes to "Published", and no further changes can be made. A report is therefore a snapshot in time, where all issues identified can be solved in corrective actions.
  • Schedule A scheduled report is simply showing an intent to audit a given location, at a given time. The schedule can help coordinate resources in larger teams, and plan when to audit what.

Report anatomy

The report page consists of a few simple sections. At the top, you have the location and model listed

When changes are made to the report, it will automatically be saved. The button is where you publish the report when you are done. On the left, you have a table of content you can use to jump to a specific point in the report.

Answering questions

No more excuses, time to answer some questions. At 21RISK we normally call a "question" in a model for a category - the reason being that a given category can contain many questions. Let's look at category 2.1.3 "🧯Portable fire extinguishers"

When allowed by the author of the model, the category might be marked as not applicable.

If the category is relevant, we can read the questions and mark any non-compliance. In this case, it will result in the category being non-compliant

Add documentation to category

When needed, we can add documentation to the category in question

Here you can add general comments to the category, and upload pictures or files. There is currently a limitation of 10MB for files, but we are actively working to remove the limitation.

Required information

The author of a given model can choose to require one or all of the following:

  • Corrective actions
  • Attachments
  • Comments

When some of the above things are required, the category will show a yellow warning. You can view any categories with issues, on the left sidenav:

You have to make sure all warnings are fixed, before you can publish the report.

Publish the report

When you are done with the report, you only miss the last step: publishing the report. This is done by clicking the "Publish" button

After a conformation step the report is published, and no further edits can be made.