
New report - from scratch

Building a model from scratch is easy in 21RISK with our flexible risk model editor.

After you have logged in, visit the library page and click new

Here you choose the name and category for the model, but fear not, you can always update these properties later

When you click Create, you will then view the model page


We are happy that you have chosen to be an author of a model. A model consists of the name, description, and category provided in the previous step and then a given number of versions. A version in a model can have the following values:

  • Draft. Allows for the given version to be edited by model authors.
  • Finished. A finished version. Can not be edited further.
  • Active. The active version is the one that will be used when someone uses your model to create a new report. Only one version can be active at a time.

Editing a version

To start editing a draft version, click the title

A model is a hierarchy of questions

  • Questions are where you actually ask for information We will start our model with a section

There is no save button. As you progress, changes will automatically⁠ be saved.

Let's make the first question a simple yes/no questions regarding the water supply for the sprinkler. We will name the question "Pressure" and add a description

Let's add another question following the first.

You can control the type of question on the right hand side, along with other configuration.

If you would like to re-arrange the hierarchy in the model, you can simply drag-n-drop questions into the desired position using the dragging handle in the sidenav.

When you are satisfied with the version, use the back button to return to the model overview

When ready, you can finish and activate the version so it's ready for new reports 🎉

When a new report is created with this model, version 1 will be used.

Duplicating a version

When you have found something you would like to edit in version 1, you must create a new version.

Now you will have a copy of the version, that you can edit and modify.

Use model in your first audit

You are now ready to create a report for your first audit, using our new model. Go to the library in 21RISK and search for your model. Here you can see that the model is private, only members of your organization can view and use the model. To start the audit, simply click on the model name:

Edit the model again

When changes must be made to the model, simply click the edit option in the menu

Share model with the world

By default models in 21RISK are only visible to members of your organization. To share the model with the world, go to the model overview

If you confirm making the model public, everyone on the internet will be able to view and use your model.