
Manage sites

You can create new sites by going to the site list, and clicking the "new" button

this will open a dialog for you to create the new site

Managing sites

You can view your sites in 2 different ways, as a list

or as a hierarchy. You can switch between the two views by clicking this button.

The list view is the default view, and includes additional information about the sites, and any additional fields you may have added. The tree view is specialized to represent the heirarchy of your sites.

If you wish to edit any information about a site you can simply click it's name in either view and it will open up in a dialog

There are 3 default fields to a site, the name, the address and tags.

The name is a unique identifier for the site, and will be used to recognize the site on audits or actions. The address is the physical location of the site (if any) and is used to place the site geo-spatially on a map. If you haven't added your own picture to the site, but provide an address we'll default the picture to a satellite image of the address. Tags are used to categorize the site, and can be a quick way to group sites together.

Each site can also have a picture associated with it, these pictures can be used to identify the specific site, and will be displayed in tooltips for the site.

To customise your sites for your specific need to can add additional fields to each site.

there are several different types of fields for you to experiment with, and to help with specific use cases.


Sites can be placed in a hierarchy with a "parent" - "child" relationship, for example "United States" can be considered the parent of "California" and "California" can be considered the parent of "San Francisco". This allows you to group sites together, and compare them to each other. For example you can compare the performance of all sites in the United States to all sites in Europe, or you can compare the performance of all sites in California to all sites in New York.

If sites are placed in a heirarchy, you can see it's position in the dialog for the site position.png here we are looking at San Fransisco which is a child of California, which is a child of United States.

There is also a "Move site" button if you wish to move it to a different place in the heirarchy. Please be aware if you move a site, all it's children will also be moved.

Another thing to note about hierarchies is that access is inherited. So for example if i give a user access to The United States, they will also have access to California and San Francisco. However if i only give a user access to San Fransisco they cannot access California or The United States.