
Email reminders

To help achieve compliance, the 21RISK system will intelligently notify members with emails. We strive to only send e-mails to users during work hours, and use a service called Calendarific , to minimize the possibility of us sending a work email when you are free or on vacation.

When actions are soon overdue

If you are responsible for actions, and they have a due date, we will send you a friendly reminder before they expire so you can update the due date.

To avoid spamming you with the above email, we make sure to send no more than once every 7 days.

When no people are assigned as responsible

Assigning people as responsible for an action is important - because it tells the 21RISK system who we should nudge to get going on their non-compliant actions. We, therefore, have a concept in 21RISK called being responsible for a model. We had a big update on how we handle responsibility within our system. Now, there can be only one person responsible for a model at a given location, while previously you couldn’t assign responsibility by location. For more information, check user responsibility here .

Now, when an action doesn’t have a person assigned to it, and it’s nearing it’s due date, the person responsible for the model and location of that action will be notified. This is a contingency so that your organization will never miss an action that needs to be taken.

To avoid spamming you with the above email, we make sure to send no more than once every 7 days.