
API Reference


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The 21RISK API is organized around REST. Our public API is focused on reading data from 21RISK, but we are planning to add support for mutations in the future. We deliver JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP codes, authentication and verbs.

There is no usage limit on the API, but please refer to our Acceptable Use Policy if you plan on something special.


The 21RISK API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys from the account settings.


Never share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas, client-side code or similar.

To create an API key, go to Account Settings , and choose Create API Key

After choosing a friendly name, copy the API key and store it securely, you will not be able to see the key again.

You must make all API calls over HTTPS .

You can either provide the API key with HTTP Basic Auth or as a Bearer Token. If you use HTTP Basic Auth, provide the key as the password.

Why OData

At 21RISK we expose an OData API . We choose this format, because it makes it extremely simple to load data into platforms like Power BI , Qlick , Tableau , and others.

When you connect the above tools, they are able to read the OData metadata, and automatically detect types and relationsships. To make your life as a developer easy, we even build a simple datamodel that follows the Star Schema pattern.


Our OData API is focused on reading, and does only support a few OData operators like $top and $skiptoken . We are also working on exposing our internal REST API in the future.


To view our refrence documentation, please visit our API refrence documentation here . Here you can:

  1. View all endpoints (with more object descriptions coming soon)
  2. View example requests, in your preferred language
  3. Run the endpoints in your own Postman app


Our refrence documentation is maintained in Postman. If you need any help, contact us

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