
New navigation experience 🚀

Nov 22, 2024
example of the new experience

We have update the navigation experience within 21RISK, we have done this for a few reasons: Firstly if you are using a small screen or device, you will now have more real estate to view the content you actually care about. Secondly, we have on the sidebar given you the ability to navigate between differents standards within 21RISk, if you are only using a few standards this probably won't make much difference to you, but if you are using a lot of standards this will make it much easier to navigate between them, and not just have everything in one big table.

On the left side of the screen you have your navigation bar, you can use this to access everything. In the top you have the organization you are currently in, If you have access to multiple organizations you can click it to switch between them.

In the middle you have all the standards and analytics you have access to, and you have a convenient search bar to search for the standard you are looking for.

In the bottom you have access to sites, tags users and settings. Along with your user profile.

If you need additional screen real estate, you can collapse the sidebar by clicking the bottom at the top, or the border of the sidebar.

There's also a new home page, where you can get a quick overview of any tasks you should have within the system.

Update author Andreas Hald