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Mitigate Fire Risk with a Pre-Installation Checklist for Photovoltaic Panels

Mar 14, 2024

Martin Hald

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 12.48.17.png

The increased risk of fire associated with PV panels. šŸ”ŒšŸš’

In the push towards a sustainable future, photovoltaic (PV) panels are leading the charge in transforming buildings into energy-efficient powerhouses.

However, with the rapid adoption of this green technology comes a pressing concern shared by the insurance industry: the increased risk of fire associated with PV installations.

Why is a Pre-Installation Checklist Critical?

Insurers are intensifying their focus on the potential fire hazards posed by photovoltaic systems. This heightened scrutiny means that the sustainability efforts of businesses could face significant obstacles without proper precautionary measures.

A thorough pre-installation checklist is not just a recommendation; it could be a necessity for securing continued support and capacity from insurers. Such checks are pivotal in identifying and mitigating risks before they escalate into real-world consequences.

How Can 21RISK Help?

Understanding the urgency of this situation, 21RISK offers a comprehensive solution: a free-of-charge pre-installation checklist model, approved by a leading Scandinavian insurer. Our tool is designed to ensure your photovoltaic panel installations meet the highest safety standards, thereby safeguarding your investments and ensuring uninterrupted insurer support.

Key Benefits Include:

Risk Mitigation:

Significantly reduce the likelihood of fire incidents linked to PV panels.

Insurer Confidence:

Demonstrating due diligence in risk management strengthens insurer trust and support.

Compliance Assurance:

Align with the latest safety standards and regulations endorsed by industry experts.

Sustainability Commitment:

Continue your journey towards green energy with the confidence that you are minimizing potential risks.

The transition to renewable energy should not be hindered by preventable risks. Let 21RISK assist you in navigating these challenges efficiently, ensuring your commitment to sustainability remains uncompromised.

Embrace the future of energy with confidence and security. Reach out to learn more about our approved pre-installation checklist and how it can benefit your next photovoltaic project.

Download the checklist here: Photovoltaic (PV) Panels